Monday, 27 February 2012


Death is the term used to describe the cessation of all biological functions that sustain a living organism. All known organisms inevitably experience death. Bodies of living organisms begin to decompose shortly after death however memories can last a life time and more.
In human societies, the nature of death has for millennia been a concern of the world's religious traditions and ethical society. This may include a belief in some kind of afterlife, reincarnation or that consciousness ceases to exist with an eternal oblivion.
Commemoration ceremonies after death may include various mourning or funeral practises. The physical remains of a person, commonly known as a corpse or body, are usually interred whole or cremated, though among the world's cultures there are a variety of other methods of mortuary disposal.

When looking at the theme of death I thought of many ideas that I could progress onto for the exam.
My initial thoughts were to visit a morgue/ funeral directors of which I thought would become a great project to consider both through the visual elements within the photographs as well as the thought provoking nature behind them. However when thinking more into this project I found that there would be many boundaries of which I would have to overcome to complete this, such as the respect and privacy of the families of whom the descendant were related to, as well as having sensitivity towards the subject and setting that I would be within.
I also had to think of myself and how I would be exposed to a subject of which many people would not feel comfortable with of which, at first, I thought I would be ok with as I have seen a couple of my own descendant once they have passed away, but when thinking into the concept more thoroughly I actually found that I wouldn't be able to complete this task as I feel that I wouldn't be able to expose myself to a subject with so much sensitivity as this.

Due to this, I have decided to complete a series of experiments in which will bring up ideas of what subject to complete within my exam.
For an intial experiment and jump start into the theme of death I decided to send 20 letters to people along my road in which I would ask them to share their past experiences with death with me as well as ask them for either a photograph or object that belonged to the person/ pet in order for me to correspond this with the letter recieved.
However this would probably take some time so I have decided to move on with other expriments and ideas.

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